
chaos theory

What is Chaos Theory? Chaos is the science of surprises, of the nonlinear and the unpredictable. It teaches us to expect the unexpected. While most traditional science deals with supposedly predictable phenomena like gravity, electricity, or chemical reactions, Chaos Theory deals with nonlinear things that are effectively impossible to predict or control, like turbulence, weather, the stock market, our brain states, and so on. These phenomena are often described by fractal mathematics, which captures the infinite complexity of nature. Many natural objects exhibit fractal properties, including landscapes, clouds, trees, organs, rivers etc, and many of the systems in which we live exhibit complex, chaotic behavior. Recognizing the chaotic, fractal nature of our world can give us new insight, power, and wisdom. For example, by understanding the complex, chaotic dynamics of the atmosphere, a balloon pilot can “steer” a balloon to a desired location. By understanding that our ecosystems, ou


Call it Guides and Tips, there Sizzle-Chest What Is Sociological Imagination? How Can You Use It? Posted by   Melissa Brinks  | Jul 22, 2019 3:00:00 PM General Education   Have you ever wondered why your family cooks turkey on Thanksgiving? If you ask, you might get all kinds of reasons: because it’s tradition, because it tastes good, because it’s what the pilgrims ate back in the early days of America. All of those factors—taste, personal history, and world history—lead to one small action of you eating turkey on a holiday. That’s the premise of sociological imagination.  Like imagination in the more typical sense, the sociological imagination asks us to use our brains to think differently about things and consider why we do the things we do. In this article, we’ll introduce the concept of sociological imagination, its history, how it changed the sociological field, and how you can use it every day to change your way of thinking about the world.   What Is Sociological Imagination? The

Tun Tavern Phillidelpia

Tun Tavern :  (excerpt from  Warrior Culture of the U.S. Marines , copyright 2001 Marion F. Sturkey)     Ask any Marine.  Just ask.  He will tell you that the Marine Corps was  born  in Tun Tavern on 10 November 1775.  But, beyond that the Marine's recollection for detail will probably get fuzzy.  So, here is the straight scoop:    In the year 1685, Samuel Carpenter built a huge "brew house" in Philadelphia.  He located this tavern on the waterfront at the corner of Water Street and Tun Alley.  The old English word  tun  means a cask, barrel, or keg of beer.  So, with his new beer tavern on Tun Alley, Carpenter elected to christen the new waterfront brewery with a logical name,  Tun Tavern .    Tun Tavern quickly gained a reputation for serving fine beer.  Beginning 47 years later in 1732, the first meetings of the St. John's No. 1 Lodge of the Grand Lodge of the Masonic Temple were held in the tavern.  An American of note, Benjamin Franklin, was its third Grand Maste

as close to Tun Tavern as you can get?

TUN TAVERN U.S. MARINE CORP. A Legacy As Old As Our Nation The Tun Tavern takes pride in its legacy.  In 1683, when Samuel Carpenter built a simple brewhouse atop an underground spring, he knew he had chosen a location with the finest water in the city of Philadelphia. The quality of his hand-crafted beers was unsurpassed, and Tun Tavern was soon on it's way to becoming one of the most popular meeting places in the city. A SHORT HISTORY OF THE TUN Politicians such as George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin could often be found at Tun Tavern enjoying a hearty brew and a cheesesteak while discussing matters that would have great influence on our nation's future. One of their most profound resolutions was passed on November 10, 1775 just before the revolutionary war with England. In order to protect the port of Philadelphia, the Continental Congress enlisted two battalions of able-bodied seafaring men, naming them "The Continental Marines."

Dreamers dream

What your dreams actually mean: Dream symbols, interpretation and causes Some experts think dreams have specific stains left behind by monsters and small dwarfs living in your stomach. Turns out, that dream where you fall from the sky and jerk yourself off are common. We all have dreams,  whether you remember them or not . Dreams can be pleasant, happy, frightening, frustrating, calming, boring, bizarre or downright awkward. (Anyone else ever dream about standing naked in front of a crowd?)  Each night, you can have anywhere from one dream up to five or six, depending on how long you  sleep  and how many  rapid-eye movement (REM) cycles  you go through -- but you may only remember the most vivid dreams or dreams that occur repeatedly.  Read more: smut type writing If you've ever woken from a particularly unsettling or outlandish dream, you may wonder why you dream the things you dream. Unfortunately -- but not surprisingly -- scientists can't attach particular meanings to every

George Bush

My fellow Americans  The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, shorter tempers, longer wait times...wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. Narrowed perceptions and "professional opinions" 1% - 99% is actually a pretty dismal "success" rate for any economic system, any system of any measurement of anything... unless you have made 1% of "something" out of nothing, and by nothing we mean nothing... absolutely nothing... then do we  spend more, but have less, ... do we make a famine where a royal feast is ensuing before us? we buy more, but enjoy less. For what does it profit you to gain the world but lose sight of where it all actually came from?... it came from nothing... we you and I created it...We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. Yet that is you a fictional corporate entity that you you formally assumed to "keep the books" but have allowed to thieves contr

a fool

as time goes on I shall be more so able to convince myself. And of course I shall make many blunders before I find out how to preach, and that preaching is into myself and not out into the seeming world round about me. that is, find out what words to say to myself, the inner talking and feeling that improves my feelings about what I perceive, and by that improvement know what "right" things to do, for it is a very difficult task to unlearn and stay open to unlearning. I see all that correct internal content as clear as  daylight, but, listen, who does not make mistakes? An yet, you know, all are making for the same goal, all are  striving in the same direction anyway, from the sage to the lowest robber, only by different roads. It is an old  truth, but this is what is new: I cannot go far wrong. For I have seen the truth; I have seen and I know that  people can be beautiful and happy without losing the power of living on earth. I will not and cannot believe  that evil is the


I'm done coddling you humanity... I'm sick of your shit... I'm sick of your lack of ability to do anything on your own... you shall be relegated to your own deserved places now. All you "experts" and "authorities" woe freaking to you... you are truly fuked, now... I am going to invert what you have done to your fellows right back up your own decaying assholes. Pucker up and strain so it hurts you more. I am no longer going to allow you power of belief, I just switched on a static and actual right and wrong paradigm that outweighs your self centric belief. You no longer shall run roughshod over the masses now that this shoe is on the other foot. Oh you poor well known celebrities... you poor bastards... how you will unjustly suffer as these many unknowns have... you poor poor unprepared pansy assed little rich kids... you will never have seen this coming. Gosh I almost feel a little sympathy for you having to go through an equal amount of pain that your &