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So Are some people born to achieve anything and everything literally all they want while others struggle for meager crumbs? Call them lucky, cursed, blessed, or possessors or possessed of the Midas touch. The touch that imbalances their lives and brings me foward to consume them. Even that midas touch in reverse, which shall preserve them from my mouth. All you tube money gurus... all so called perfomance couche potatos... all self appointed expert you tube commenters... What is the real reason for their success failure and mediocrity or infamy? Is it family background, wealth, greater opportunities, high morals, an easy childhood? Big penis? Extra testicles? What is the answer? I bet there are so many answers. I bet you could spin endless answers to any one question with ever more tempting clickbait titles appearing. New York Times best-selling author John C. Maxwell has the answer: The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and respon...