
Showing posts with the label primal fear

primal instincts

TOP DEFINITION primal fear The highest level of  fear that  most people do not experience. This can also be related to the feeling of impending predation.  Primal fear  is your survival  instincts  at work. "Every  muscle  in his body was  tense , and this was no normal fear, this was a primal fear, he subconsciously knew he was being  hunted " by  EugalpyK  May 25, 2016 Get a primal fear mug for your Aunt Helena. Ad 2 primal fear An  instinctive  fear that has been common to humanity throughout time, possibly invoking a  fight or flight  response in some, or a deep  trembling  feeling of anxiety in others. He felt a sensation of primal fear go through his body, as he  stood  in the  psychopath's  presence. It was as if he had just stared evil  right in the face . by  Kartay  April 28, 2016 Get a primal fear mug for your friend Nathalie. © 1999-2020 Urban Dictionary ® advertise  •  terms of service privacy  •  dmca  •  remove help  •  blog  •  data subject request