
Showing posts with the label rebuke of worldly liars


I'm done coddling you humanity... I'm sick of your shit... I'm sick of your lack of ability to do anything on your own... you shall be relegated to your own deserved places now. All you "experts" and "authorities" woe freaking to you... you are truly fuked, now... I am going to invert what you have done to your fellows right back up your own decaying assholes. Pucker up and strain so it hurts you more. I am no longer going to allow you power of belief, I just switched on a static and actual right and wrong paradigm that outweighs your self centric belief. You no longer shall run roughshod over the masses now that this shoe is on the other foot. Oh you poor well known celebrities... you poor bastards... how you will unjustly suffer as these many unknowns have... you poor poor unprepared pansy assed little rich kids... you will never have seen this coming. Gosh I almost feel a little sympathy for you having to go through an equal amount of pain that your &