
Showing posts with the label imagination


Creating Wealth, Your own human imagination Liberating your Life. Sharing the journey from poverty to financial success. Imagination learned to safely invest into  healthy returns. Stop chasing the stock market, trying to find the best performing mutual funds or agonizing over low interest rates, look within yourself, heaven and your Christ is within you. Want to learn how to make your Agape love work for you? Hi I’m imagination and after years of doing what I thought was the right thing, working for a corporation, trying to keep ahead of the bills and find a little something to save to get ahead, I realized that it was getting me no where. I was desperate to find a way to be spiritually, emotionally and financially independent and free from the rotating credit to debt system I devised to make ends meet. It took being at rock bottom with my financial situation after a beating a dirty licking and a divorce, being a single sovereign entity, working 7 days a week, and having declining ego


5 Reasons Imagination Is More Important Than Reality By Lamisha Serf-Walls 11/04/2014 03:14 PM ET | Updated Dec 06, 2010 photo credit:  martinak15  via  photopin   cc I've been known to be a bit of an airy-fairy, starry-eyed, head in the clouds kind of gal. A natural-born uplifter, I find it rather easy to focus on the positive and what I want to create as opposed to feeling stuck in the reality of 'what is'. And while there have been many people in my life who have so kindly reminded me of the importance of being  responsible  and  realistic , I have learned that imagination is far more valuable than reality & here are a few reasons why. 1. Imagination ignites passion.  As adults we have been forced into a world of responsibility and practicality where money, bills, and jobs (many of which we hate) dictate how we live, breathe, and experience the world. Dreaming of what can be allows us to tap into our imaginations again, reminding us what it feels like to be passionat