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golden string

WILLIAM BLAKE: GOLDEN STRING Blake seeks to provide the Golden String which can lead us through the labyrinth of our experience or his own poetry. Tuesday, August 21, 2012 JESUS THE IMAGINATION From Kathleen Raine's book,  Golgonooza, City of Imagination,  we can learn more of what Blake meant by 'Jesus the Imagination' and about the function of states in the journey through mortal life. Page 154-6 "But for Blake Jesus is something more specific: he is 'Jesus, the Imagination, the 'supreme state' of humanity which transcends, and releases from, all the states of good and evil through which human souls pass. The presence of Jesus the Imagination is with every man at all times present, born with every birth, accompanying every soul throughout life as the 'saviour' who releases the man from his present state. It is Satan, the Selfhood, who identifies the man with his present state; and who therefore is the Accuser who condemns; the Divine Humanity, Jes