Rebuilding my Blog.

The Metaphysical TVRZ Theater blog, it is a metaphysical poetic, spiritual expression by John Tvrz. Metaphysical, theatrical penned musings in textually expressed allegories of get the hell off over or through my back, front or side either or. Around or perhaps just fly completely off the surface of the earth, with your greed and willingness to screwdrive your fellows, whom most vulnerable and of the lowest income in our country, who you see as your obviously unimportant resource of fiat currency in your mad dash to enter hell. Can it be more egregious? To charge that kind of money? Unbelievable, I guess my old level 7 Google guide status and 1 simple video review will prove useful after all. Don't know what I mean or understand? How is that my problem? When people lose hope, and cant eat and get shafted by the supposed pillars of their community they do get angry, anger does not solve the problem. The power is within you, Jesus Christ is your own human imagination. ...