
Showing posts with the label dream police

Skating through the valley

S- Stay Cool Bro K- Keep a low profile A- Act busy T- Take your time E- Enjoy yourself I live by this, Skating is an art form that transcends life and all endeavors of the feeble fables of mankind. So last night I had the dream, not that anyone cares. I had that dream and I feel like I want to warn you boneheads who think you know something but I am not going to. Im a bonehead schmuckatelly, not that anyone cares, I'm going to S.K.A.T.E. through the valley of the shadow of death which is this life. A world of shit gone wild, on the same old "show" entitled (shit gone wild).  It does not matter what others think dude, just do your own thing. I do not need to be a blow hard, an old saying from the "gold-rush" days referring to blowing too hard on gold dust. or being the baddest dipshit in the valley. Ballerinas, Bunnies, and Man in the middle attacks, all make no difference now. Eating Stingrays, for breakfast man in the middle "attacks" all gone wild sa