
Showing posts with the label patriot act sec.215

section 215, patriot act

Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act Home About Us Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act — as well as the “lone wolf” and “roving wiretap” authorities — expired on March 15 , after former Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr announced he would “ let us go dark ” rather than permit the Senate to vote on amendments to H.R. 6172, the USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act. On May 28 , the House requested a conference with the Senate to resolve differences between the two bills. The House did not vote on any amendments nor on the Senate-passed version, which includes the Lee-Leahy amendment. The Senate adopted the Lee-Leahy amendment, which strengthens the independent amici that appear before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, 77-19 . The amendment specifically protects religious groups and the press. The Senate has not yet voted on whether to send the USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act to conference. The Daines-Wyden amendment prohibits the use of Section 215 for warrantl