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as close to Tun Tavern as you can get?

TUN TAVERN U.S. MARINE CORP. A Legacy As Old As Our Nation The Tun Tavern takes pride in its legacy.  In 1683, when Samuel Carpenter built a simple brewhouse atop an underground spring, he knew he had chosen a location with the finest water in the city of Philadelphia. The quality of his hand-crafted beers was unsurpassed, and Tun Tavern was soon on it's way to becoming one of the most popular meeting places in the city. A SHORT HISTORY OF THE TUN Politicians such as George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin could often be found at Tun Tavern enjoying a hearty brew and a cheesesteak while discussing matters that would have great influence on our nation's future. One of their most profound resolutions was passed on November 10, 1775 just before the revolutionary war with England. In order to protect the port of Philadelphia, the Continental Congress enlisted two battalions of able-bodied seafaring men, naming them "The Continental Marines."