
By Let the lighting, strike your heart and melt the fragility within it. Yet fragility of the wind overcomes the sheer rock cliff. Or why to be as one could be, for the swine or the pearl? To dance through This valley of the shadow of death being this a fool, a far better fate than to be wise in such a time of this failure of wisdom. Joe Dancer=Elite School of Dance. When you have earned the opportunity to have the right to be. Then why say some other cannot? In your pride your precipice would appear. From your great heights the way to fall comes. By our words we are chosen in our heart to become more. And by our deed prove words true, with honor and shame, with success and failure we dance. With all opposition the soul does contend. But what of all these grand plans of mice and men? When they all come to naught and all your leaders have failed you, without hope would your heart fail you to? Let the lighting strike your heart, and m...