
Showing posts with the label opinion

war with China?

Several years ago before Trump came into power I used to get e-mails talking about the coming war with China. I thought it was just spam so I never bothered reading them. I recently have been blogging and doing some research about China and their budding economy, them ripping us off to the tune of 500 billion a year selling us their inferior products for top dollar and Trump putting tariffs on them thus getting all those billions back to us. We know COVID-19 came from China. I also believe they intended to release it upon the world to make markets crash and their economy surge thus making them stronger among the global economies. What I am revealing here is purely my opinion and what my research has shown and it could be just a theory, but sounds very plausible. In summary, this is what I think they did: They created this virus in their Wuhan Bio Lab and released it on their own people to start this epidemic; They expected the virus to spread world-wide and kills thousands [if not mill