google my business free
Breakthough Cutting Edge Book Reveals...
"If You're Not Getting Calls To Your Business
If you want to get more Calls, Sales, or Leads, this will be the most important bookyou'll ever read.
But First A Warning
This isn’t one of those “get rich quick” books that promises you a fortune for doing nothing.
Here’s the deal.
The system I outline in this book is working great for me and my clients and I believe it will work great for you. But I’m not suggesting that everyone or anyone who reads it will make a lot of money. I don’t know how much money people will make. Its likely that many or most will make little or any at all. Especially if they don’t follow the directions and work hard.
With that said……let me show you what you’re getting.
"So with that understood ... let me jump right in and show you ..."

Exactly What You're Getting
First of all this isn’t like any business book you’ve ever read before. There’s no “fluff or filler”, just battle tested tactics that are working now.
And its easy to read.
Its 73 pages and you can read it in a couple of hours. And you’ll “get” the entire system I personally use everyday and have used for several hundred of my clients.
Its about More than Just a business listing on Google
See, you can use this same system for every kind of business imaginable to get high end customers or clients.
For example any business that has a brick and mortar store location that sells products.
For a business that services customers at their location. Plumbers, Roofers, Electricians, A/C repair men, Handyman, Locksmith, Garage door repair. The list goes on and on.
For any business that sells a product or service off or online.
I also used this same system for a Motorcycle rental shop to fill their calendar for everyone of their bikes.
A Real estate office selling high end real-estate, bringing in clients to buy and sell their properties.
I currently use this same system to get professional service clients, new high end customers for their business. Counselors, Coaches, Attorneys, Doctors Dentist and a whole lot more.
So like I said, there’s more to this little book than “just” a business listing on Google.
Here’s a fraction of what you are getting….
How to market online even if you don’t have a website.
You think you need a website to market online, Right? Wrong
You should never try creating one for your business before reading this book
What to do if your competition is getting all of your customers.
Why Google will market your business online for free.
5 ways to promote your product, service or business online with Google for free.
The truth about Google’s new GMB program
How to say goodbye to costly ads.
What to do if you need more customers, Calls, or leads to your business.
How to eliminate your completion
Where to find this service done for you.
Step by step process showing you what to do even if you aren’t a technical person.
What to do if you don’t have a website.
When its ok and easy to promote your Events, Sales, or Coupons.
2 ways to manage your reputation with the reviews you get from your customers.
Step by step process in creating a GMB
And much, much, more!
Yes you’re right that is a lot of battle tested strategies and tactics. And it’s stuff that nobody else can share with you because nobody else is doing it.
But you know what you'll really love?
It gets better because you’re also getting….
- I show you how to get more exposure with your GMB.
- How to Brand your Business and why its so important.
- How to turbocharged your GMB with Social engagement. (The # 1 metric Google uses to rank everything online) all the above in chapter 6.
- Have you been wondering how to do social media marketing? See pg. 45
- Are you trying to Brand your Company online? See pg. 44
- Can you actually get 400% more action from your GMB? even if you are #1 in the map now? See pg.
- How to use Google to market your business, even if you hate Google, see pg.
- In the last few chapters You’re going to learn how to Brand your business with a GMB, chpt 9.
- Also in chapter 9 I show you how to supercharge your GMB and business by using a Social media network.
- In Chapter 10 I go into how to take out all the manual work in posting to your branded social media network and have it fully automated.
Here's What To Do Next
The cost of this book is $9.95, and you get it instantly as a download.
As soon as you place the order, you’ll get an automated receipt with a link to download the book directly into your email.
You can access it Immediately anywhere, without waiting for it in the mail.
In case you’re wondering...
There Is No Catch!
I realize this is inexpensive, so you might wonder what the “catch” is.
And I know there is some individuals out there offering what looks like the very same thing, but they want to stick you in some program or subscription that charges your credit card each month.
This isn’t one of them!
There is No hidden “continuity program” you have to try or anything even remotely like that.
I’m literally giving you this book for $9.95, as a means of “putting my best foot forward” and demonstrating real value.
My hope is you’ll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.
Time Is Of The Essence
In most cases I take a loss when selling the book for this price.
It cost me just over $21.60 in advertising expense to sell one book.
So why would I do that?
Simple. I’m making this offer with the idea that you will be impressed with what I’m giving you today, and you’ll want to do more business with me in the future.
Don’t worry- I don’t have a sales team that is going to call you and bother you or anything like that.
Its actually just the opposite. I’m betting you will like the book so much that you’ll call me!
Anyway. With all that said, this is a limited offer.
You’re Also Getting A Ninety Minute Training, Free
During this training I’ll walk you thru exactly what to do and how to do it, when it comes to creating your GMB.
You’ll see the actual dashboard inside Google My Business and how it all works and how to use it.
You’ll see how I optimize a GMB so that Google will promote yours over your completion as a preferred listing.
I’ll even show you how to supercharge your GMB to get more exposure from Google and the other search engines.
And there’s no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out this book.
"Oh. And in case you're wondering ...
Of course there's a money-back guarantee.
In fact, I think it's ..."
The Boldest Guarantee In The World
I 100% guarantee you’ll love this book and the new video training, or I’ll return 100% of your $9.95 and let you keep the book and the training anyway.
That’s right. You don’t even have to send anything back.
Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I’ll refund your $9.95 with no questions asked.
You can’t get any more fair than that!
This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy Now Before It Expires
In case you’re one of those people that likes to skip to the end of the offer, (like Me), Here’s the deal:
I’m offering you this 75 page book that outlines how Google My Business will transform your business by getting you more calls, more customers, more leads for your business… Even if you don’t rank in the search engines!
The Book is $9.95
I’m also walking you thru step by step process so you can get a 100 billion dollar company to market your business online for free.
I go thru and show you why its so important to get a GMB for your business and how instrumental it is for the Marketing foundation of your business so you will dominate over your completion.
Whats important about this is if you don’t do what I have outlined in the book before your completion does, your completion will take all the customers for your business.
On top of that, I’m giving you a 90 minute training, Free, which shows you exactly how to implement what you learned in the Book.
This is a limited time offer.
There is no catch to this offer, You won’t be signing up for some “Trial” or or some monthly program or anything like that.
In fact, if you don’t like the book, let me know and I’ll give you back your $9.95
Click here and claim your copy now,You won’t regret it!
© Pro Biz Marketing 2019. All Rights Reserved.
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