Centrepoint Research Institute
You’ve just found the most powerful self improvement, brain enhancement & stress-relief tool in the world.
Only Holosync Gives You ALL These Extraordinary Benefits:

Meditate as deeply as a Zen monk, but 8 times faster, literally at the touch of a button

Eliminate dysfunctional feelings & behaviors and the problems they create in your life

Attain a level of happiness and inner peace you may have ever not thought possible

Achieve greater success in your relationships, finances, and goals for the future

Increase your health, vitality & longevity by triggering natural brain chemicals

Reduce stress, reactivity, sleeplessness, and impulsive behavior

Increase willpower, resilience, creativity, learning & memory

Boost your mental powers to levels you’ve never imagined

Dissolve old, unresolved mental and emotional issues

Eat, sleep and live better than you ever have before

Can you really meditate like a Zen monk—AND get all the benefits of meditation…
…literally at the touch of a button?
Over 2.2 million people across the world think so!
Beaverton, Oregon
Monday, 9:14am
Dear Friend,
What you’re about to read may sound like science fiction…but it’s actually cutting edge science of a new millennium—and an example of how, by changing your brain, and taking advantage of your brain’s natural ability to change and grow, you really can…
…change nearly any aspect of your life.
I will explain below how to accelerate your mental, emotional, and spiritual growth…and positively change your life…
…in ways that will absolutely astound you.
Taking to time to read this letter could represent a major turning point in your life, and will be well worth the few minutes it will take.
So, let’s dive in!
Imagine, if you will, plugging your brain into a specially mastered soundtrack containing powerful—and absolutely safe—audio technology that launches you into an incredible experience of focus, alertness, and deep meditation so powerful…
…that it immediately begins to create profound, positive changes in the structure of your nervous system—and your life!
In 1985, our founder, Bill Harris, began experimenting with a remarkable audio technology.
He found in a research paper published in Scientific American (October 1973) by Dr. Gerald Oster, a research scientist at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York.
Combining Oster’s research with other research from the world-famous Menninger Clinic, Bill created an audio technology that causes…
...tremendous, positive changes in anyone who uses it.
Our proprietary technology, when placed beneath soothing music and listened to with stereo headphones, produces some absolutely mind-blowing experiences (and benefits) for the listener:

Profoundly deep meditation only experienced by those who’ve meditated many hours a day for 30+ years

Dramatic increases in a whole variety of beneficial brain chemicals, including pleasure-causing endorphins, as well as a number of others proven to slow aging and increase longevity and well-being

The release and falling away of dysfunctional mental and emotional patterns (anger, fear, anxiety, depression, sadness, substance abuse, self limitations, etc.), including those that have stubbornly resisted other methods

Increased learning ability, a better memory, enhanced creativity, greater intuition, improved focus and concentration—and (even more amazing) greatly increased personal self-awareness (what many scientists call “whole brain functioning”)

Dramatically lower stress levels, and an increased ability to deal with whatever comes at you from the world, calmly and clearly. You become more relaxed, less anxious, more centered, more peaceful, and more connected to others

Achievement becomes easier, and without the same feelings of anxiety and stress. Taking the risks necessary for success doesn’t seem so scary anymore. Good things begin to just “happen” in such a way they almost seem to fall right into your lap

The need for sleep decreases, yet aliveness, vitality and energy increase!
Science Fiction
Science, yes. Fiction, no. Every one of these results has been experienced and reported to us by participants in the program we’ve created around The Holosync Solution, and believe me, it truly will be the end of your search for a personal growth and mind development tool that really works.
And the results I’ve described aren’t the results of just a few people. What I’ve just outlined is the average profile of a long-term participant in our program.
"I’ve been using Holosync for years now and my meditations have gotten much deeper, I travel with Holosync, I listen on a daily basis. And as a result I have more freedom of expression, a greater sense of relaxation and being stress free, and a greater sense of personal power."
~Jack Canfield
Best-selling co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and world-renowned motivational speaker, trainer, and entrepreneur
Based on the research I mentioned above, and nearly three decades of our own research and experimentation, we’ve created a powerful audio technology called Holosync, which we place inaudibly beneath peaceful music and environmental sounds.
Some call it “instant meditation,” but it’s much more than that.
Experiencing these deep meditative states each day provides a super-enriched environment for your nervous system, causing enormous (and very beneficial) changes in the brain.
What we’re actually doing is (gradually) giving the nervous system more input (of a very precise nature) than it can handle…the way it’s currently structured…in much the same way exercise gives your body more than it can handle physically, pushing it to grow stronger.
The Brain's Response?
Reorganization at a higher level!
The creation of new neural pathways and increased communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, lead to what scientists call…
...“whole-brain” functioning, and all the benefits I’ve already mentioned!
In terms of mental abilities, many scientists believe this increased communication between the two hemispheres of the brain is what separates the Einsteins, Edisons, Walt Disneys and Steve Jobs of the world from the rest of us (that is, until now!)
Even more impressive are the positive changes in mental and emotional health created by daily use of Holosync.
I’ll tell you how this works in a moment, but first, though, let me explain…
Brain Wave Patterns 101
The first thing you need to know…
…is that twenty-four hours a day, as nerve cells in your brain communicate with each other, they generate electrical impulses that fluctuate rhythmically in distinct patterns called brain wave patterns.
These patterns are closely correlated with your quality of life:
- Your thoughts
- Your emotions
- Your state of being
- Your body, and in essence…
- The entire quality of your life!
There are four categories of brain wave patterns.
1. Beta. The most rapid is a beta brain wave pattern, associated with concentration, arousal, alertness, and cognition.
Higher frequency beta, however, is associated with anxiety, disharmony, and dis-ease. (Perhaps slowing yourself from these levels might be beneficial?)
2. Alpha. As you relax, your brain waves slow into an alpha pattern. The higher end of alpha is a state of focused relaxation often associated with superlearning—the ability to learn, process, store and recall…
…large amounts of information quickly and efficiently. When you’re absorbed in a good book or a television show, and you’ve blocked out your surroundings, you’re making alpha waves.
Slower alpha waves create deep relaxation—the twilight state between sleep and waking.
Finally, alpha is the brain wave pattern of joy. Alpha waves = happiness.
3. Theta. Slower still are theta waves, the brain wave pattern of dreaming sleep, and more advanced meditative states. Theta is associated with:
• Creativity (when you have an “Ah-ha!” experience, where you suddenly “get it,” you’re making bursts of theta waves)Increased memory abilities
• Visionary experiences (dreams as well as visions during meditation)
• Integrative experiences (where we make broadly-based positive changes in the way we see ourselves, others, or certain life situations).
When making theta waves self-sabotaging left-brain filters are bypassed making it much easier to change beliefs or habits.
Though advanced meditators easily make theta waves, most people find this difficult. Finally, theta is also a state of tremendous stress relief, where the brain makes lots of relaxing endorphins that…
...melt your stress away!
4. Delta. The slowest pattern, delta, is that of dreamless sleep. A handful of advanced spiritual seekers, however, learn to remain alert in this state…
...a deep, trance-like, non-physical state.

The positive evidence is overwhelming. These brain wave patterns of meditation dramatically improve your health, slow aging, powerfully reduce stress levels, create more happiness and inner peace…and a lot more.
Unfortunately, traditional meditation is difficult for most people to learn. Many find it difficult to stick with a meditation practice. And, the results happen so slowly that most people quit before they experience them.
That’s why Holosync is such a tremendous breakthrough. It allows you to experience all the benefits of meditation, easily and effortlessly—and without spending years mastering the ability to meditate.
Are you beginning to see the possibilities?
Unlike the traditional meditation—which is hard work, often frustrating, and often doesn’t feel like it’s getting you anywhere—Holosync is effortless!
As listeners begin using the Holosync soundtracks, unresolved emotional material begins to surface and be released…
…followed by periods of incredible clarity.
During these “technological” meditations, you’ll begin to have all kinds of inner experiences— experiences you only read about but never really expect to have:
- Amazing endorphin rushes and moments of incredible bliss
- Spontaneous solutions to long-standing problems
- Hours speeded by in what seemed like minutes
- Unusual physical sensations
- Psychic phenomena
- Dream-like visions
- Deep insights
It is all very intriguing… and very exciting!
More important, you’ll begin to have some personal breakthroughs, which you may desperately needed in your life but never really expect to experience and…
…your life will begin to change!
At times, this process will intense as you work through some of your old issues. But, because of the super-clarity and awareness—and feelings of deep peace—that follow each breakthrough, it will definitely be worth it (as you will see for yourself as you use Holosync).
After each of these dramatic breakthroughs, the whole world seems new.
And the funny thing is, it will all seemed so natural. The breakthroughs, and the new insights that accompanied them, once they were made, will seem so obvious it will be hard to understand why you hadn’t felt that way before!
You’ll find that you can hardly wait for your Holosync listening time each day, to find out what is going to happen next.
Your mind will get sharper, and things will seem to naturally “flow” better.
As amazing as it sounds, if you are like most Holosync users, you will find yourself becoming:
Your memory will get better. You’ll find solutions to troubling problems and situations more easily. It will start to feel as though...
...you are automatically attracting success like a super-powered magnet!
Holosync gives you results that are light years beyond other approaches you may have tried.
Here are more extraordinary results that millions of people have experienced with Holosync:
- They saw how they had unknowingly been creating unhappiness in their lives
- Anger and fear that they’d been carrying all their lives melted away
- They began to get along with difficult people––effortlessly
Although great things will happening in your outer life, the really big change will happen inside (where it really counts).
Possibly for the first time in your life you will find yourself peaceful, fulfilled, and yes—happy!
And all because of the effects of a simple—and very powerful—audio technology!
Not that you won’t ever have problems or challenges. But the manner in which you will be able to handle these difficulties will be light years from where you start.
Finally, I’ve been saving the best for last.
It’s something called brain synchronization—and I’m going to tell you how achieving it through Holosync can profoundly change the way you experience yourself and your world, increase your happiness and sense of inner peace, and allow you to…
…tap into genius-like abilities.
So what is brain synchronization…
and how can it create a revolution in your life?
As we slow the brain waves from beta to alpha to theta to delta using Holosync…
…there is a corresponding increase in balance between the two hemispheres of the brain. This more balanced brain state is called brain synchronization.
What this means to you: As the brain waves slow and the brain balances, you more and more tap into what scientists call whole-brain thinking, or whole-brain functioning.
What is whole-brain thinking?
It’s using both sides of your brain to think in a more coherent way, instead of using one side at a time, as we usually do. It’s like thinking in stereo. Whole-brain thinking gives you a kind of meta-awareness, a new perspective—a view from a higher spot on the mountain.
Whole- brain functioning is associated with:
This type of brain function has been associated with geniuses—the Einsteins and Mozarts of the world. Quite frankly, I suspect this is the same type of higher brain function of, say, Stephen Covey, Walt Disney, Stephen Hawking, Steve Jobs…
...and other creative, high-performance individuals like them.
As amazing as it may seem, we really do now have a method for tapping into this kind of whole brain, integrative, super-functioning, high-performance, creative thinking—a level of brain functioning that up until now has been reserved to…
…one-tenth of one-percent of humankind!
Are you beginning to see how exciting this is?
Synchronizing your brain can quite simply catapult you to much higher levels of effectiveness in your life. Neurologist Jerre Levy of the University of Chicago had this to say about brain synchronization and personal effectiveness:
Great men and women of history did not merely have superior intellectual capacities within each hemisphere [of the brain]. They had phenomenal levels of emotional commitments, motivation, attentional capacity—all of which reflected the highly integrated brain in action.
How did these great thinkers and leaders achieve this brain integration? I truly don’t know. Some people come by it naturally.
But I know how you can do it!
The super-deep meditation and brain synchronization you’ll experience with Holosync creates some truly amazing changes in mental and emotional health. Anger, depression, sadness, anxiety, and a whole universe of dysfunctional feelings and behaviors fall away…
...even in people who have “tried everything” without success!
If you’re as excited as I am about the possibilities, here’s how you can create these same changes in yourself:
So you can get the maximum benefit from this powerful technology…
…we’ve created a comprehensive program called The Holosync Solution. The initial level is called Awakening Prologue and includes:

The Holosync soundtracks you’ll use for your daily listening (the powerful core of the program)

Unlimited access to our Accelerated Results Coaching staff (these people are experts in Holosync, how it works, and what’s likely to happen as you use it, and you have unlimited access to them by phone or email)

Comprehensive video, audio, and written support materials (I’ll explain these below)

A huge package of introductory materials giving you more background about Holosync, how you’ll benefit, and what’s likely to happen as you use it

Several additional bonus Holosync soundtracks (see below)

Many other Valuable bonus extras I know you'll love (see below)
Bill Harris–who created Holosync after years of scientific research and experimentation– experienced all these things for himself, before he ever released Holosync to a clamoring public.
You can take advantage of all Bill’s mistakes, wrong turns, blunders—and all the amazing discoveries—Bill made as he perfected what we humbly believe is…
...the most powerful personal development and mind improvement tool ever created.
And, when you include the support and follow up materials you’ll get—The Holosync Solution is certainly the most sophisticated, effective, and easy-to-use method ever developed for dealing with…
…the rapid, positive changes you’ll experience in this program.
Here’s what happens as you
use Awakening Prologue:
You listen with stereo headphones or earbuds, sitting comfortably with closed eyes (or, if you prefer, you may lie down). Each time you listen, Holosync stimulates a part of each brain hemisphere called the olivary nucleus, taking you into the brain waves of deep meditation.
To process the Holosync stimulus, your brain creates new neural pathways connecting the left and right sides of your brain, creating extraordinary changes in your executive function
The creation of these new neural pathways has three results:
Result #1
A very pleasurable experience during listening (and often for some time afterwards). As Holosync changes your brain wave patterns to those of deep meditation, the brain produces several very pleasurable neurochemicals, including endorphins (the same endorphins responsible for “runner’s high”)…as well as several hormones with a profound and positive effect on longevity, aging, stress, and well-being.
Result #2
The creation of the “whole-brain thinking”, along with all the improvements in mental clarity, creativity, and focus already discussed.
Result #3
Remarkable changes in mental/emotional health and your ability to handle stress. So-called dysfunctional feelings and behaviors begin to fall away. Your life comes into balance in a way you never could have imagined—and your level of happiness and inner peace increases dramatically.
But This is Just the Beginning…
At a certain point (generally after about four to six months), your brain will have made all the changes it needs to make to handle the Holosync we use in Awakening Prologue. At that point you’re like a runner who’s been running two miles a day for several months, and now two miles is easy…
...because the body has created the physical structure that can easily handle it.
At this point, if you find yourself saying “Wow! This is amazing, and I want to continue this process,” you can move to the second level of The Holosync Solution, where we take you into the same alpha, theta, and delta brain wave patterns…
...but this time using what is called a lower carrier frequency.
The carrier frequency is what the precise sine wave tones of the Holosync stimulus “ride” on. Several years ago I discovered that lowering the carrier frequency makes Holosync much stronger, increasing the stimulus to the brain, creating an even deeper meditation experience…and…
…further increasing all the mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits.
This incredible secret of increasingly lower carrier frequencies is the “Master Key” to getting the greatest benefit from this type of technologically enhanced meditation and…
…no one else in the neuro-technology field is doing it!
This second, deeper level is called Awakening Level 1, and usually takes about six months to complete. At that point, you’re ready for Awakening Level 2, where we again lower the carrier frequency, once again increasing the input to the brain—and once again taking you to still deeper changes!
And so it goes, until over time we’ve taken you to the lowest carrier frequency possible. There are, in fact, twelve levels after Awakening Prologue, each with progressively lower carrier frequencies, if you choose to experience them all.
Let me be very clear, though, that each level is complete within itself and there’s no obligation to continue to the next level—unless (like most people) you find yourself saying “Wow! This is very amazing and I definitely want to continue this process.”
Custom-made Soundtracks!
One more thing. Beginning in Awakening Level 1 (which, remember, is the second level), we add another innovation—the second reason why this program is so powerful: we begin to customize your soundtracks, adding silent affirmations chosen by you and recorded in your own voice!
You see, it turns out that in these slower brain wave patterns, your typical left-brain filters are bypassed, and the affirmations (personally chosen by you and recorded in your own voice) go directly to your unconscious mind…
…creating change at a very deep level—to your specifications.
We use a proprietary technology called Autofonix, based on research at the Medical College of Virginia on a technological method for communicating with the profoundly deaf.
Soon after you start the program, we’ll send you more information about this new silent communication technology, how it works, and how you can add it to your soundtracks.
Autofonix creates results old fashioned “subliminal” methods can’t touch!
Finally, here’s a third big reason why our program is different from any other personal growth or mind expansion tool on the planet: our extensive “high-touch” follow up, support and education to help you get the most from the program.
The best customer support
you’ve ever experienced!
This support includes:

A series of bi-weekly Follow-up Support Letters (in video, audio, and/or written format so you can watch, listen, or read), describing what’s likely to happen, why it’s happening, and how to easily handle the accelerated changes you’ll experience.

Unlimited telephone and email access to our Accelerated Results Coaching staff if you have questions, need special help, or just want to discuss your experience with someone who understands Holosync.

Special Reports on the latest research and breakthroughs in the field.

When you move to Awakening Level 1, the first custom-recorded Holosync level, you’ll also receive Bill’s book Managing Evolutionary Growth, delving even more deeply into the subject of smoothly handling the deep and rapid change Holosync creates. (Therapists in the program rave about this book!)

You also get a free subscription to Mind Power, our inbox magazine, where we discuss many different aspects of personal and spiritual growth, financial and relationship success, emotional healing, and more.
We offer, without a doubt, the most “high-touch” customer support you’ve ever experienced.
We offer to develop a relationship with you so you can take advantage of our decades of experience and expertise about Holosync and get every bit of benefit possible from your use of Holosync.
Boiled down to the bare essentials, here’s what you get:

The most powerful meditation, brain-enhancing, and personal growth tool you’ve ever experienced—a tool that creates incredible positive changes in mental abilities, emotional health, stress level, personal awareness, and overall well-being, and…

Cutting-edge expertise, follow-up, and support to smooth out the process so you easily make the deep changes you want to make, easily and effortlessly.
At this point you might be asking, “Okay, what’s the downside? Are there any drawbacks or negatives?“
Yes, there are some, and I want you to be aware of them.
Drawback #1:
I’ll warn you, right up front, that Holosync will create a revolution in your life. Holosync creates the kind of deep meditation that usually takes decades to achieve. The awareness this creates will put you face-to-face with… well, with yourself.
If you choose to participate in The Holosync Solution program, you’ll eventually have to deal with previously unconscious parts of yourself that have kept you from being as clear-minded, happy, peaceful, and effective as you’d like to be. And, I promise…
…this will be the best thing that ever happened to you.
We all have parts our ourselves that are out of sight but nonetheless operate to sabotage us, create turmoil in our lives, make us more reactive—and less happy than we could be. Holosync will allow you to see and resolve these issues. Sometimes, this can be uncomfortable, at least temporarily.
Holosync will create a new balance in your life (which, believe me, you will welcome with open arms). The out-of-balance parts, however, will most likely put up a struggle as you bid them farewell because on some level, in some way, to some degree...
...you will resist that change, you may experience some upheaval now and then.
Of course, we will help you.
We’ll give you extensive and effective support (at no charge, as part of the cost of the program) from our extremely knowledgeable Accelerated Results Coaching support staff. These people have years of experience with Holosync, and can help you minimize any discomfort (discomfort, in this program, is definitely optional).
And, please keep this in mind: Any upheaval you experience is not only temporary, it will generally be no greater than whatever upheaval you’re already experiencing in your life.
We’ve never had anyone—considering the phenomenal results—who didn’t think it was well worth it.
Listen. I don’t want to overemphasize the possible cathartic nature of your experience. For most people it’s minimal—but it is a possibility, and I thought you should know about it.
Drawback #2:
Participating in this program requires that you use your Holosync soundtracks (!)—which takes some time. Though you’re free to do less (and progress more slowly), we suggest that you start with a half hour of listening each day, progressing to an hour a day.
My bet is you’ll eagerly look forward to these sessions, though, rather than seeing them as a chore.
Holosync users look forward to their listening sessions because the experience is wonderful, and you feel so good afterwards. But still, you do have to be willing to actually use the program. If you aren’t willing…
...if you don’t think the incredible mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits of this program are worth the time commitment—this isn’t for you.
Finally, you might be asking:
Is the program safe?
Are there any long-term dangers?
Not unless you find increased happiness, greater peace of mind, improved mental functioning, greater self-awareness, better emotional health, and a feeling of greater aliveness dangerous.
At this point, over 2.2 million people in over 193 countries have used Holosync to improve their lives, dating back to 1989 (1985 if you count the original research group). So far, I’m not aware of a single person who has reported any negative results (other than a little bit of discomfort from time to time as part of the healing process).
And, the program has been heartily endorsed by scores of doctors, naturopaths, and mental health practitioners, as well many other leaders in the personal growth field, including even world-famous Zen teachers and Zen masters!
We feel very confident—after over nearly three decades of investigation and nearly three BILLION hours of use by over 2.2 million people (not to mention at least 12 years of research in this field by others prior to my own involvement)...
...that Holosync is 100% safe and will create an absolutely remarkable, positive, life-changing experience for you.
I’d like to go over everything you’ll get, in detail:
The Dive, Immersion, and Introduction to Holosync (soundtracks)
The Dive and Immersion are the powerhouse Holosync soundtracks that drive the entire program.
While you’re hearing the sounds of soothing rain and distant crystal bowls through stereo headphones, the embedded Holosync tones in The Dive gradually slow your brain waves from a meditative alpha brain wave pattern to a slower theta pattern…
…and finally to the slowest delta pattern (where the greatest amount of change happens).
Then, in the Immersion soundtrack, Holosync tones embedded beneath sounds of soothing rain will hold you in this deep delta pattern for the remainder of your Holosync session.
And all the while, you’ll be experiencing super-deep, pleasurable meditation—as if you’d been meditating for 30+ years. When you finish, you’ll feel terrific—you’ll be high on your own pleasurable brain chemicals, stimulated by Holosync.
Experiencing these healing brain wave patterns each day creates powerful positive changes in the brain, including the creation of new neural pathways connecting the left and right hemispheres of your brain—and creating all the positive benefits I’ve described in this letter.
The Dive & Immersion famously allows you to “Meditate like a Zen monk at the push of a button!” You will love them.
You’ll also get a third soundtrack: An Introduction to Holosync where I explain everything you need to know about Holosync and how to get started—and thoroughly enjoy your new relationship with us.
Finally, you also get a huge packet of introductory written materials.
This part of the package is valued at $259.00.
Better Brain, Better Life (pre-Holsync mini course)
Watch this short video from Bill Harris to get you started off on the right foot, and triple the benefits you receive from Holosync.
Better Brain, Better Life is valued at $199.00, but it’s yours FREE just for trying Awakening Prologue.
Quietude (soundtrack)
We’ll use Holosync to place you in an alpha brain wave pattern, that of focus, concentration, and accelerated learning. You’ll become completely absorbed in whatever you’re reading—or, for that matter, in anything you do requiring focus and concentration. And, you’ll remain refreshed even after hours of concentration. Quietude will dramatically increase your productivity and learning ability.
Quietude normally sells for $25.00, but it’s yours FREE just for trying Awakening Prologue.
Making Change Easy (soundtrack)
We often unconsciously resist changing even the habits, beliefs, or ways of thinking we’d rather not have.
Making Change Easy places you in a theta brain wave pattern, creating what scientists call integrative experiences—where we suddenly see ourselves, others, or a particular situation from a new and more resourceful perspective.
Then, while you’re in this highly suggestive theta state, where we can speak directly to your unconscious mind, we add positive affirmations, using our proprietary Autofonix silent messaging technology—messages that help you easily make the changes you want to make—mentally, emotionally, or behaviorally.
Making Change Easy is ordinarily $25.00, but it’s your FREE just for trying Awakening Prologue.
Super Longevity (2-soundtrack set)
I created Super Longevity in collaboration with Vincent Giampapa, M.D., noted longevity researcher and past-president of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine.
These two powerful soundtracks use Holosync and Autofonix affirmations to create powerful changes in important brain chemicals related to aging and longevity, including DHEA, cortisol, and melatonin. If you want to slow the aging process and feel more vitality and energy, you’ll love Super Longevity.
Super Longevity usually sells for $49.00, but it’s yours FREE just for trying Awakening Prologue.
Thresholds of the Mind (book)
You’ll also get a copy of my bestselling book, Thresholds of the Mind. Over one million people have read Thresholds of the Mind, and many have called it the best personal development and self-improvement book they’ve ever read.
You’ll learn about the science behind Holosync, how it works, what happened as over 2.2 million others used it, and much more. This book means so much to Holosync users that many bring it to public events so I can autograph it for them. Embarrassing for me, but also a compliment—and evidence of how much Thresholds of the Mind means to those who’ve read it.
A $19.00 value, Thresholds of the Mind is yours FREE just for trying Awakening Prologue.
Special Report: The Science Behind Holosync
and Other Neurotechnologies
Finally, we’ll also send you a hefty Special Research Report ($15.00 value) outlining the exciting scientific research behind this groundbreaking technology.
Bi-weekly Follow-Up Support Letters (in video, audio, and written format)
This is one of the most popular parts of The Holosync Solution program. In video, audio, and written format, to help you learn in the way you prefer, this fascinating information will help you get all the benefits of Holosync.
A $197.00 value—but yours FREE just for trying Awakening Prologue.
The Inside Secrets of How to be Happy, Peaceful and Successful
All the Time (audio)
You’ll receive a series of my talks at a Centerpointe retreat (seven hours of information valued at $197.00).
This spontaneous back-and-forth with a live audience includes fascinating background about Holosync, how I created it, how it differs from traditional meditation and other personal growth approaches, what happens as you use it, and the philosophy behind our innovative approach to creating rapid personal changes.
You’ll also enjoy the questions and comments of long-time Holosync users.
And get this: These talks are so fascinating that when used in place of “on hold” music many callers asked to be put back on hold to finish listening!
A $197.00 value, “The Inside Secrets of How to be Happy, Peaceful and Successful All the Time” is yours FREE just for trying Awakening Prologue.
Accelerated Results Coaching
You’ll also receive unlimited coaching (by phone or email) from our highly trained support coaches. Most of these people have been with Centerpointe for ten or more years. This support coaching is worth at least $300.00 (much more depending on how much you use it)—but is yours at no extra charge with Awakening Prologue.
We’re quite proud of our “high-touch” support and customer service and I can’t wait for you to experience it for yourself.
These experienced and knowledgeable Holosync experts are there to make sure you have the breakthroughs you want—and that you always have someone to talk to about your Holosync experience.
This unlimited expert coaching is worth at least $300.00 but is yours FREE just for trying Awakening Prologue.
DreamBuilder LIVE
At DreamBuilder LIVE, Mary Morrissey will guide you through the three stages of dream building — Blueprinting, Bridging and Building — the proven, reliable and repeatable formula to creating a life you love living, faster and more easily than you ever imagined possible.
A $1,197.00 value—but yours FREE just for trying Awakening Prologue.
As you can see, you get A LOT
with Awakening Prologue!
I hope I’ve convinced you that Holosync really is the easiest, most effective way to create all the positive changes you’ve wanted to make.
Based on nearly three decades of experience with over 2.2 million Holosync users—and my own personal experience with Holosync…
…I KNOW you can be happier and more peaceful.
I also know that you can stop being reactive with the other people in your life…and that you can stop feeling anxious, or depressed, or angry.
I promise that you can have all the mental benefits of meditation—where creative ideas easily come to you…where you learn faster and remember better…where you think more clearly and figure things out more easily—but without having to meditate for thirty or more years to get these benefits.
You can also slow the aging process, and feel much less stress.
And, you can also have the spiritual benefits of meditation everyone talks about: You can feel more connected to other people and, in fact, to the whole world. You can feel more comfortable in your own skin and know that you have a place and a purpose in the world. If you’re a person of faith, your faith will increase, and deepen.
Or, you can keep doing what you’ve been doing…

You can keep attending seminars and courses—which you really have to admit haven’t created the deep changes you really hoped for. (How much have you already spent?)

Or, you could pay $1,500-$2,000 for a meditation mantra from a famous meditation group, or attend long meditation retreats.

You could try “total immersion,” where you become a monk and devote your life to meditation and spiritual work, leaving your friends and family and the other things you like to do.

And, there’s always expensive therapy. Some of it actually works (I’ve done it myself, though I have to say that I changed 500x more from Holosync).
Imagine, years from now, how you’ll feel…
…knowing that you’re still in approximately the same place you are today—and that you could have experienced amazing personal changes, using our fast, easy, proven (and 100% guaranteed) method—in the privacy of your own home.
On the other hand, imagine how it would feel to become the person you really want to be—mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—just by putting on your headphones each day and allowing Holosync to give you all the benefits of super-deep meditation…
…at a fraction of the cost, and without the struggle!
If you add it all up, what you get with Awakening Prologue is worth $2,482.00 (though the personal changes it creates are priceless).
Because we already have so many people using it, the economy of scale allows me to offer it to you for MUCH less than its worth: Just $179...
…including all the bonus items, and all the support features I mentioned above.
Finally, to make Holosync even more affordable, you can even pay in five easy payments.
Over the four to six months the average person uses Awakening Prologue, this amounts to the cost of a couple of coffee drinks a week, or a McDonalds Big Mac and a drink once a week.
Surely getting all the life-changing benefits I’ve described for such a trivial amount is one of the biggest no brainers ever.
Hopefully, it’s worth the cost of two coffee drinks a week, or a weekly meal at McDonalds, to change your life…
And think of what you’ll save by not needing to attend any more expensive courses and seminars—which admittedly can be fun, but realistically only make you feel better temporarily, and rarely create real and lasting change.
Finally, consider the intangible—but incredibly important—costs you pay every day by not functioning at your mental and emotional peak…
…and feeling the happiness and inner peace you could be experiencing.
I know you want all the benefits I’ve mentioned:
- Greater feelings of connection with others
- Slowing the aging process
- More happiness
- More clarity of mind
- More inner peace
- More creativity
- Better learning
- Less stress...
- ...and all the rest.
And, I know that you also want to end your stress… your emotional reactivity… your anxiety… your bad habits… to be more motivated and confident, more comfortable in your own skin…
…and to let go of anything else that’s been keeping you from living the happy and successful life I know you want.
All you have to do to get started is click the orange button below, fill in your information, and submit your order.
If you want the downloadable version (MP3s), you’ll get it immediately. Literally in a few minutes you can be experiencing super-deep Holosync meditation…
…and begin your journey toward a better life.
If you want Holosync on CDs you can also download the MP3s immediately (since I’m including them for free) and we’ll rush the CDs right to your doorstep as quickly as we can.
Finally, since I understand that you may still be skeptical, I’d like to take all the risk out of trying Holosync by giving you…
…a 365-day better than risk-free guarantee!

365 Day Refund Guarantee
Yes, Bill, I want to use Holosync® to improve my mental clarity, emotional health, stress level, confidence, and overall well being. I understand that if I’m not 100% satisfied for any reason I have a full year to return Awakening Prologue™ and get a full refund.
Please try Awakening Prologue for up to a full year.
Anytime during that year, if you aren’t convinced this is the most incredible growth tool you’ve ever used—and that it does everything I’ve described here—just return it and we’ll cheerfully and quickly refund your payment.
And, you can still keep the free bonus extras (worth $2,482.00) and all the written materials as my gift to you just for trying Awakening Prologue.
Please give me an opportunity to show you how this technology can change your life…and all the other ways you’ll get much more than you bargained for:

More cutting edge news and information...

More super-deep meditation…

More follow-up and support…

More high-touch service…

And certainly more results!
When you get Awakening Prologue, just use it at home, without learning to meditate, and without waiting years for results…
…and see how easy it is to create the changes you’ve always wanted.
And if you aren’t blown away by the results, you can always send it back any time up to a year and get a full refund, no questions asked, no hassle.
Many of our program participants have commented that they experienced more deep change in the first four months of our program than in three to five years of intensive therapy costing anywhere from $8,000 to $20,000!
Awakening Prologue, on the other hand, taking four to six months to complete, is only $179—that's only $1.44 a day!
So please—join me in experiencing this remarkable tool.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
And, since you can try Holosync for an entire year and still get a full refund, the only reason why you might NOT want to try it is if you really aren’t interested in the tremendous benefits I’ve described.
So let The Holosync Solution be the new beginning you’ve been searching for.
I eagerly look forward to having you in the program.

MaryEllen Tribby
Centerpointe CEO

To get started, choose one of the three options below…
Best Value
MP3 Download & CDs

MP3 Download—
No Waiting!

CDs Shipped Right to
Your Door!

For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.
Need an installment plan? Click on an option below and pay in 6 easy installments.
An initial payment of $28 followed by five monthly payments of $28 USD
An initial payment of $32 followed by five monthly payments of $32 USD
An initial payment of $32 followed by five monthly payments of $32 USD
If you prefer to order by phone, or if you have any questions, simply call:
I understand my Awakening Prologue™ package will include:
What You Get

Pre-Holosync Mini Course:
Better Brain, Better Life
Watch this short video from Bill Harris to get you started off on the right foot, and triple the benefits you receive from Holosync.
You Pay

The Dive™ & Immersion™ and Introduction to Holosync (soundtracks)
The Holosync soundtracks that famously allow you to "meditate deeper than a Zen monk at the push of a button", plus a special Introduction to Holosync track to explain how the program works.
You Pay
$179 (or $159 for MP3s only)

Quietude™ (soundtrack)
Creates the brain waves of focus, concentration and accelerated learning. Great for listening while reading, learning, studying or doing any kind of detail work.
You Pay

Making Change Easy™ (soundtrack)
Creates the brain wave state that allows you to easily make the personal changes you want to make.
You Pay

Super Longevity™ (2-soundtrack set)
Specially engineered to create powerful changes in important brain chemicals related to aging and longevity, including DHEA, cortisol, and melatonin.
You Pay

Thresholds of the Mind (book)
Many of the one million-plus readers have called Thresholds of the Mind "the best personal growth book they've ever read".
You Pay

Special Report: The Science Behind Holosync and Other Neurotechnologies
The scientific research about Holosync, brain waves, and much more.
You Pay

Bi-weekly Follow Up Support Letters (in video, audio and written format)
Designed to make sure you get all the benefits of Holosync.
You Pay

The Inside Secrets of How to be Happy, Peaceful and Successful All the Time™ (audio)
7 hours of my talks and interactions with a live audience of experienced Holosync users explaining the philosophy behind Holosync, how it affects the brain, what happens as you use it, and much more.
You Pay

Accelerated Results Coaching™
This high-touch coaching alone is worth more than the entire price of your package.
$300 or more
You Pay

DreamBuilder® LIVE
At DreamBuilder LIVE, Mary Morrissey will guide you through the three stages of dream building — Blueprinting, Bridging and Building — the proven, reliable and repeatable formula to creating a life you love living, faster and more easily than you ever imagined possible.
You Pay
You Pay
$179 (or $159 for MP3s only)
To get started, choose one of the three options below…
Best Value
MP3 Download & CDs
For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.
Need an installment plan? Click on an option below and pay in 6 easy installments.
An initial payment of $28 followed by five monthly payments of $28 USD
An initial payment of $32 followed by five monthly payments of $32 USD
An initial payment of $32 followed by five monthly payments of $32 USD
If you prefer to order by phone, or if you have any questions, simply call:
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