bob diamond

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Every day, the government quietly collects $13,698,630 on behalf of former homeowners who have defaulted on their property taxes through a "Tax Sale" or "Tax Auction".

Basically, the government holds an auction to sell off properties on which the owner hasn’t paid taxes for a few years.

Investors go to these auctions to bid and the property goes to the highest bidder. The amounts vary but often end up around 70% or so of the value.

The funds from the investor pays off the tax lien but there is almost always surplus funds left over.

A lot of surplus.

Here’s a simple example: Let’s say someone didn’t pay taxes for 3 years and that they owed roughly $22,000 in back taxes and penalties on a $200,000 property. The property goes to auction and an investor "steals" it for $100,000.

With me so far?

The government uses $22,000 to pay off the tax due leaving an excess of $78,000.

Here’s the simple question that launched me into a new adventure and very successful career.

What happens to all that extra money?

The answer to that question might make your blood boil BUT it also opens up a door for you to do really well while helping people who really need the money.

Want to know what happens to it?

I'll be covering this in detail on the web class as well as how you can make huge finder's fees by connecting these excess funds the government is hoarding with their rightful owners.

Click Here to Attend the Web Class

Yours in Wealth and Freedom,
Bob Diamond - America’s Tax Sale Attorney

P.S. I’m in the unique position of having a way to create wealth in a truly simple way. It takes nothing more than an internet connection, email, postage and a bit of elbow grease.

Because of this, I sometimes have a hard time convincing people that this is REAL and that they can do it.

Those who hang around long enough to get the facts and then execute the simple steps end up making a lot of money for themselves.

Those who don’t listen miss out and that’s a real shame.

Patrick Quinn did stick around to learn how to do this and he collected a check for $190,164.31 (see Image Above)

He's now closed 8 overages using my system to the tune of $640,419

He did that all within his 1st year using the system.

It's Your Turn to Start Collecting Checks Like These. Don’t miss out.

Attend the Web Class Here
