retarded snowflakes, quadrant,reap,ass-, sessments

Retarded Snowflakes don't know they should melt. Retarded Snowflakes do not understand that they are unique. Retarded snowflakes don't even know what color they are. Retarded snowflakes cant see the difference between me and you, too fucking stupid. Retarded snowflakes push the fucking gas pedal when the should be doing a panic stop. Retarded snowflakes cant read road signs. Retarded snowflakes feel the engineered pressures and constructs of control but do not understand why it matters. Fear is always there to be utilized when stepping into the breech, to be fired out of a Cannon to fucking Mars, and then landed, to never return... now that is a great dream... to land on Mars and never return. But for us retarded snowflakes when Border customs asks us how long we are staying on Mars,  we malfunction with a total recall "two-weeks". But there is more, for stupidity and anger again has us pressing these buttons like a crazy NASA test monkey named BoBo, an animal retarded snowflake. Remember kiddies, monkeys and Rabbits the great grand Google is watching,  so pucker up, the Big Dick is coming, not sure that was a safe place or completely sanitary but retarded snowflakes go there. Snowflakes that have a mental/emotional condition labeled, "Retardarion", do not seem to understand that what other people think matters. Because we all know that self esteem is based, rooted and grows from what others think and say. Peace or happiness nerdvanda, shitory, whatevers labels, whatever file heading you choose to label others with, is not found outside yourself its found within you. Retarded snowflakes know without a doubt that boredom comes from within yourself. And lying about yourself is so truly obvious from my side of the desk, D.P. money makes you no better or different or more "secure", D.P.  Retarded snowflakes eat blood and drink meat. D.P. and we do not hide in fortresses be cause our bodies are the fortresses...Retarded snowflakes are fools bro, all just nonsensical fools, so why worry about what we say about your siblings, your father or mother...Retarded snowflakes  are weirder than yourself could have ever dreamed of being. Stay retarded UP, all the way up, D.P. your Straw is not included. Poor people whom think that money makes them happy, are obviously not retarded snowflakes, for we retarded snowflakes do not need another's opinion of what success is for them to be transfered upon ourselves. We are too stupid to be influenced by how others feel we "should" be, and need not yet again hear another double standard get applied by someone else in our own name. Stay retarded my pretty little snow flakes, hey is snowflake a racial thing? Whomever invented the term, you know whom you are. D.P.
