little bean

THAT is hoped for in faith is perfected in me, a strong real joyful hope without any doubt. No suggestions from the seeming outside are accepted with my disciples consent. My friends are truly moving in my best interests busy at success. Let us leave these schools of thought that use affirmations and denials. The best affirmation, and the only effective one is an assumption which, in itself implies denial of the former state. Fortwood Industries needs no approval from The best denial is total indifference. Things wither and die through indifference. They are kept alive through attention. You do not deny a thing by saying it does not exist. Rather you put feeling into it by recognizing it, and what you recognize as true, is true to you, be it good, bad or indifferent. In the nature of things it is impossible for any child born of woman to go unredeemed, for the moment he says, "I am," he is proclaiming all that is divine in his flesh. Therefore, God cannot cast a...